Scilab Download Mac

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  • Download Scilab for Mac to open Source Software for Numerical Computation and Simulation.
  • Open Source Software for Numerical Computation and Simulation.

Released on Thu, 14 Feb 2019
System requirements | Change log
Scilab 6.0.2 is released under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) v2.0.

In order to use toolbox download Scilab software (version 5.5.2 or newer) and run atomsInstall('microdaq') from Scilab console. After MicroDAQ toolbox start run microdaqsetup to configure compiler and IP settings. MicroDAQ toolbox Atoms website; Known Issues. Only one Signal block supported when running model from external application. Download Scilab 6.1.1 Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. Scilab Enterprises is developing the software Scilab, and offering professional services: Training.

Scilab Download Mac Download

Windows Vista, 7, 8, 10

Scilab 6.0.2 - Windows 64 bits, (scilab-6.0.2_x64.exe - 181M) (exe)
Scilab 6.0.2 - Windows 32 bits, (scilab-6.0.2.exe - 172M) (exe)

Good chances are, you have a 64 bits machine!
But the 32 bits version will work in any cases.


Scilab 6.0.2 - Linux 32 bits, (scilab-6.0.2.bin.linux-i686.tar.gz - 181M) (gz)
Scilab 6.0.2 - Linux 64 bits, (scilab-6.0.2.bin.linux-x86_64.tar.gz - 238M) (gz)

Mac OS X

You may be prompted to install an old Java version, which is available at the following url:

For more info, visit this page from our partner University of Technology of Compiègne (UTC):

Scilab Download Mac Version

For questions, refer to the mailing list:

FreeMat is a free environment for rapid engineering and scientificprototyping and data processing. It is similar to commercial systemssuch as MATLAB from Mathworks, and IDL from Research Systems, but isOpen Source. FreeMat is available under the GPL license.

Updated News - 2013-06-31 - FreeMat 4.2 - 32 bit binary for Windows

Added a 32 bit installer for people using Windows XP.


Latest News - 2013-06-30 - FreeMat 4.2 Released

We are pleased to annouce the release of FreeMat 4.2. This version includes a number of bug fixes and some cleaned up tests and documentation. Here is a brief list of changes:

  • FreeMat is now (hopefully) easier to build. The top level README.TXT includes instructions on how to build FreeMat on all three platforms (Linux, Mac OS X, and Mingw32).
  • Documentation has been migrated to doxygen.
  • A number of improvements have been made to the JIT back end.
  • 64-bit on all platforms!
Scilab download for windows 10 64 bitIt's not a long list, but given the nearly 2 years since the last release, 4.2 is an important one. Comments or problems should be reported to the mailing list or filed as bugs on the website.These are quite dated and need to be replaced.
WindowsMac OS XLinux

Scilab Download For Windows 10 64 Bit

There are three sources of help (beyond the user manual, of course).
  • A Google Group has been set up for support. It is open to anyone to join and read, but you must be a member to post, and posts are moderated (necessary after the spam-bots took over the old sourceforge mailing list). The website for the URL is The e-mail address for the group is
  • Bug reports should be filed here: Report a Bug
  • Feature requests should be filed here: Request a Feature
Scilab Download Mac

Scilab Download Windows 10

  • Built-in interactive help (Online Help), from the FreeMat Console by typing:
  • --> helpwin

  • Tutorials on FreeMat are available here
  • The FreeMat Wiki is here
  • The FreeMat Blog is here
More of a 'wish they were FAQ'.

Scilab Download 6.1.0

  • Q. What is FreeMat?

    FreeMat is an environment for rapid engineering and scientific processing. It is similar to commercial systems such as MATLAB from Mathworks and IDL from Research Systems, but is Open Source. It is free as in speech and free as in beer.

  • Q. Why GPL?

    Previous versions of FreeMat were released under MIT licenses. The current version is released under GPL. There are a number of great tools that are available to GPL-ed code (e.g., Qt, FFTW, FFCALL), and FreeMat is now one of them.

  • Q. Why another MATLAB clone? Have you heard of Octave, Scilab, etc.?

    Yes! FreeMat is chartered to go beyond MATLAB to include features such as a codeless interface to external C/C++/FORTRAN code, parallel/distributed algorithm development (via MPI), and advanced volume and 3D visualization capabilities. As for the open source alternatives, try them out and decide for yourself. Who said choice was a bad thing?

  • Q. Is FreeMat 100% compatible with MATLAB? What about IDL?

    No. FreeMat supports roughly 95% (a made up statistic) of the features in MATLAB. The following table summarizes how FreeMat stacks up against MATLAB and IDL. Because we like to lead with the positive, here are the features in that are supported:

    • N-dimensional array manipulation (by default, N is limited to 6)
    • Support for 8,16, and 32 bit integer types (signed and unsigned), 32 and 64 bit floating point types, and 64 and 128 bit complex types.
    • Built in arithmetic for manipulation of all supported data types.
    • Support for solving linear systems of equations via the divide operators.
    • Eigenvalue and singular value decompositions
    • Full control structure support (including, for, while, break, continue, etc.)
    • 2D plotting and image display
    • Heterogeneous array types (called 'cell arrays' in MATLAB-speak) fully supported
    • Full support for dynamic structure arrays
    • Split-radix based FFT support
    • Pass-by-reference support (an IDL feature)
    • Keyword support (an IDL feature)
    • Codeless interface to external C/C++/FORTRAN code
    • Native Windows support
    • Native sparse matrix support
    • Native support for Mac OS X (no X11 server required).
    • Function pointers (eval and feval are fully supported)
    • Classes, operator overloading
    • 3D Plotting and visualization via OpenGL
    • Handle-based graphics
    • 3D volume rendering capability (via VTK)
    Here are the list of major MATLAB features not currently supported:
    • GUI/Widgets
    Finally the list of features that are in progress (meaning they are in the development version or are planned for the near future):
    • Widgets/GUI building
    • FreeMat-to-MEX interface for porting MATLAB MEX files.
    If you feel very strongly that one or more MATLAB features are missing that would be useful to have in FreeMat, you can either add it yourself or try and convince someone else (e.g., me) to add it for you. As for IDL, FreeMat is not compatible at all with IDL (the syntax is MATLAB-based), but a few critical concepts from IDL are implemented, including pass by reference and keywords.
  • Q. What platforms are supported?

    Currently, Windows, Linux and Mac OS X are supported platforms. Other UNIX environments (such as IRIX/SOLARIS) may work. FreeMat essentially requires GNU gcc/g++ and LLVM/CLANG to build. The Win32 build requires MINGW32. I don't know if FreeMat will work with Windows 98/95/ME or NT4 as I don't have access to any of these platforms. A native port to Mac OS X is now available.

  • Q. How do I get it?

    Click on the Downloads link here (or on the navigation bar on the left). Installers are available for Windows and Mac OS X, and source and binary packages are available for Linux.

  • Q. I found a bug! What now?

    Congratulations! Please file a bug report here. FreeMat is a fairly complicated program. Simply saying 'it crashed' is not particularly helpful. If possible, please provide a short function or script that reproduces the problem. That will go a long way towards helping us figure out the problem. Also, the bug tracking feature of SourceForge will allow you to put in bugs anonymously, but please don't! Anonymous bug reports are difficult to follow up on.

  • Q. Where is function xyz?

    There are a number of basic functions that are missing from FreeMat's repetoire. They will be added as time goes on. If there is a particular function you would like to see, either write it yourself or put in an RFE (Request For Enhancement) here.

  • Q. Who wrote FreeMat and why?

    FreeMat has been in development by a group of volunteers for nearly a decade. The core team is listed here